TinkerMill Shop: Rapid Prototyping

A group of techniques, including 3D printers and laser cutters, used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using CAD – CAM (Computer Aided Design – Computer Aided Manufacture) data.

Notable Equipment

3D Printers:
  • Flashforge FDM 3D Printers
  • Bambu X1 Carbon FDM 3D Printer
  • Elegoo Resin 3D Printers
  • Big-60 3D printer (2ft x 1.8ft x 1.5ft) – (roughly functioning/under development)
Laser Cutters:
  • 80 watt Rabbit Laser with a 1200 x 900 mm (47.2 x 35.4 inches) working area
  • Rotary engraver
Vinyl Cutter
Vacuformer (vacuum forming)

Tyler Dow

I joined TinkerMill in 2014 and the first thing I saw was Clint, a member of TinkerMill, lighting off 5 pounds of thermite in the middle of winter. Ever since that, I started hanging around TinkerMill and tinkering with random things. I eventually started volunteering by fixing 3D printers, and teaching classes. I found I enjoy teaching and helping other people learn and make cool things.

Contact Info: tyler.dow@tinkermill.org, call/text at 303-520-2369, and active on Slack for members! 

Ed Diamond

Contact info: edward.diamond@tinkermill.org and active on Slack for members!

Steve Stom

Contact info: steve.stom@tinkermill.org and active on Slack for members!

Send an email to all our Rapid Pro Shop Captains: rapidpro@tinkermill.org

No certification is required to use our Flashforge FDM 3D printers if you have prior experience. Classes are available for optional training.

A training class is required before accessing laser cutter, vinyl cutter, resin SLA printers, Bambu X1 Carbon, and vacuformer. Each can be done separately, in any order.

  • Laser Cutter Cert: This class will teach you operations and safety of our large 80-watt laser. Completion of this class grants members independent access. These classes are available regularly on our calendar.
  • Resin 3D Printer Certification: This class is an introduction to SLA resin printing using TinkerMill’s Elegoo printers and will teach you operations and safety. Completion of this class grants members independent access. Classes are regularly scheduled on our calendar.  
  • Bambu X1 Carbon: Training is required. Classes are regularly scheduled on our calendar
  • Big-60 3D Printer: Training is required, contact Shop Captain, Tyler Dow. (roughly functioning/under development)
  • Vinyl Cutter Certification: Training is required, contact Chad Marks (on Slack for members or chad.marks@tinkermill.org)
  • Vacuformer Certification: Training is required, contact Erik Akia (on Slack for members or erik.akia@tinkermill.org)
Anyone, members and non-members, can attend classes. 
Only members can use machines, and only certifiable machines independently after certification. Non-members can only use the machines under supervision of members that are certified. 
Laser cutter: Minimum age 12 with guardian supervision, 16+ with guardian in the building.
Flashforge FDM 3D printers: Any age with guardian supervision, 16+ with guardian in the building
Bambu X1-Carbon FDM 3D printer: Minimum age 8 with guardian supervision, 16+ with guardian in the building.
Resin 3D printers: 16+ with guardian supervision
Vacuum former: No minor use, 18+ only

In addition to being a member, there is additional cost to use shop space. Shop use fees for time and consumables are used to maintain each of the shops.

Laser Cutter – $10/hr

ABS Filament – $0.10/gram

Resin – $90/liter

Pay Shop Fees

We encourage you to practice these skills independently to learn skill. Contact shop captain for more opportunities. 

Learn Solidworks at TinkerMill: Learn SolidWorks and design your models to 3D print. In this beginner-level course, we will design a 3D printable box with a hinge on it. This will cover making parts, assembling parts virtually, and exporting them for 3D printing. (Similar to Fusion 360). 

Learn How to Use the Rotary Tool on the Laser Cutter: With this, you can engrave on cups, mugs, or anything round. Put any pattern on round objects! Bring your own digital file, and we will put it on a glass provided by us!

Check for these classes regularly scheduled on our calendar here

Slack Channels (member’s only) – #rapid-prototyping #laser_cutter #resin-3d-printing

Only members can use machines, and only certifiable machines independently after certification. Non-members can use the machines under supervision of members that are certified. 

Not required but recommended particularly for the 80-watt laser which members can reserve up to 4/hrs a day. 

If you don’t see a class you would like to take (or at a time you can’t make) free to email Shop Captain, tyler.dow@tinkermill.org, to let him know you’re interested!