TinkerMill's Required Certifications

Most TinkerMill Shops require certification for members to use the shops/machines/tools independently. These classes include safety measures, standard shop procedures, and general instruction to empower members to use our shops on their own. Please see below for a complete list of certifications that are required at TinkerMill. 

*everyone requires certification regardless of experience – no two shops are created equal and we need everyone using them to learn how our particular tools and shops run. The costs associated with the classes also help with machine maintenance so thank you for supporting our MakerSpace!

**non-members are welcome to attend certification classes, but only members can continue to use the shops after taking the appropriate class(es).


TinkerMill’s Blacksmithing Certification & Safety Course:
Learn safe operations of the shop, and create an incense holder from a horseshoe. Completion of this class will grant members independent use of our Blacksmithing Shop. The class is regularly available on our calendar. 
  • Cost: $70 for non-members and $52.50 for members. 
  • Age requirement: Ages 13+ to attend the class with legal guardian also taking the class. 
  • See dates & sign up here. 
  • Questions? Please reach out to blacksmiths@tinkermill.org, or members can post a message in the #blacksmithing channel in Slack! 
*Only members can use the space independently after certification due to safety and community considerations. Non-members can only use the shop with another certified member present.


Small hand tools are available to everyone, training optional. Certifications classes are required to access specific tools. Most classes are regularly scheduled on our calendar. Questions? Don’t see a class listed? Please reach out to electronics@tinkermill.org, or members can post a message in the #electronics channel in Slack. 

  • Soldering Certification – Put Together an FM Radio: See dates and register here when classes are scheduled
    • Cost: $60 for non-members and $45 for members
    • Age requirement: 10+ with legal guardian supervision
  • SMT Oven Certification – Intro to Surface Mount Soldering: See dates and register here when classes are scheduled.
    • Cost: $60 for non-members and $45 for members
    • Age requirement: 16+ with legal guardian supervision
  • Oscilloscope &  Multimeters 16+ only with legal guardian supervision (training being developed, please contact electronics@tinkermill.org)

*Only members can use the space independently after certification due to safety and community considerations. Non-members can only use the shop with another certified member present.


Flameworking 101: This class is your introduction to the shop. Learn basic skills with hands-on practice. These classes are available regularly on our calendar. If you don’t see one listed, feel free to reach out to the Shop Captains at flameworking@tinkermill.org or members can use the #flameworking channel on Slack. 

Flameworking 102: This part two of the flameworking certification is scheduled at time of your 101, typically the following week. Completion of this second class will grant member’s independent use of the shop.

  • Cost: $50 each for nonmembers and $40 each for members. 
  • Age requirement: Ages 13+ to attend the class with a parent or legal guardian also taking the class. Minors must be supervised by their legal guardians at all times. 

*Only members can use the space independently after certification due to safety and community considerations. Non-members can only use the shop with another certified member present.


Foundry Safety & Policies Quiz: Carefully review the Safety & Policies Class Documentation here then take the online quiz at the link here

Foundry 101: Basic Foundry Introduction into Aluminum Sand Casting (General Certification): In this class, students will learn the: Rules & Procedures, Core Foundry Safety Policies, gain the knowledge & hands-on experience necessary to safely use the sand Mixer, Furnace, create basic sand molds for casting and melt & cast aluminum. They will have time to do their four pours required to use the Foundry on their own. Must first take the Safety & Policy quiz prior to the certification class. These classes are available regularly on our calendar.

  • Cost: $93.50 for non-members and $70 for members.
  • Age requirement: Ages 15+ to attend the class with a parent or legal guardian also taking the class.

*To use the foundry independently, two certified members must be present. Both the person pouring and the person who is the safety backup person must have completed the safety certification course.

HAM Radio

A general class HAM Radio License is required to qualify to become certified in the Shack (available to members only).

Cost: $20 for basic shack access, $130 for Flex remote use certification

Age requirements: No age requirement however members under 16 will be assessed before granting full privleges. As always at TinkerMill, minors need to be accompanied by a legal guardian. 

*Please visit LARC’s website for information regarding a general class HAM Radio License at the link here. They run regular classes and exams to enable persons to obtain a HAM Radio license. 

Once a general class license is obtained, please contact sebastian.wessels@tinkermill.org (or available on Slack for members) for Shack/Flex certification. 

Machine Shop

The entire Machine Shop requires training. 

Prerequisite Homework: everyone must complete the Machine Shop Safety and General Tool Use video and quiz (80% to pass). This will grant members general access to the shop. 

Certification classes to access specific tools (18+ only)

Training by request, contact machineshop@tinkermill.org, Members can message Captains on Slack (@sebastian.wessels, @Jef Farrell, and Instructor @Tim Marsho)

    • Bridgeport 101 Manual Mill Certification
      • Cost: $100 for non-members & $70 for members
    • Lathes: Lathe 101 & 201 Certification (Members Only) – scheduled upon request as they are tailored to users level of experience as either separate classes or a combined 101 & 201 class. 
      • Lathe 101: $60
      • Lathe 102: $70 
      • Combo Cost (experienced only): $120
    • Mitek CNC Certification (members only)
      • Cost: $250
    • Sheet Metal Shear/Brake/Roll
      • Cost: $40 for non-members and $30 for members
    • Surface Grinder
      • Cost: $30 for non-members and $20 for members
    • Bandsaw
      • Cost: $30 for non-members & $20 for members

Only members can use the space independently after certification due to safety and community considerations. Non-members can only use the shop with a Shop Captain present. 

Metalcraft, Jewelry, & Lapidary

To earn independent use of this portion of the shop you must complete the three-part certification class. Each regularly scheduled on our calendar along with many other skill-buildng and project classes that do not require previous experience. 

Metals 100-101, Metals 102, and Metals 103 are required complete the Metalcraft Shop Certification process. In this certification series, you learn how to use and will practice using hand tools, powered tools, and Metalcraft torches to create a project from scratch to completion. Upon completion of this project, and under the supervision and guidance of the instructor, you will earn independent use of the shop and become safety certified for this shop.

*Note: These classes are a series, and cannot be taken out of order. 

All regularly scheduled at the links here: Metals 100-101, Metals 102, and Metals 103

  • Cost: $65 each for non-members and $48.75 for members (each session)
  • Age Requirements: Ages 13+ only (legal guardian supervision required for all minors at TinkerMill)
If you need extra assistance, or have questions please contact the Instructor and Shop Captain: Crystal.Hinds@tinkermill.org or members can find her on Slack. 

Lapidary Certifications:
To earn independent use of this portion of the shop you must complete the two-part certification class. Both regularly scheduled on our calendar

  • Metals 500 Lapidary 1 (the cutting of stones), and Metals 501 Lapidary 2 (the shaping of stones). These two courses will introduce you to the different tools in the shop and show you how to safely and properly use them. There is also a combined class now being offered. 
    • Cost: Non-members $55 for non-members and $42.00 for members (each session)
    • Age Requirements: Ages 14+ only (legal guardian supervision required for all minors at TinkerMill)

*Only members can use the space independently after certification due to safety and community considerations. Non-members can only use the shop with another certified member present.

Paint Shop

Instructionals are still in development for our spray booth and blasting cabinets. This is an outdoor space and will not be available until Spring. Certifications will not be required. Please reach out to paintshop@tinkermill.org for additional information about this shop, or members can post a message in the #paint-shop Slack channel. 

*Only members can use the space independently due to community considerations. Non-members can only use the shop with another experienced member present.

TinkerMill's Muddy Makers Pottery Shop

TinkerMill’s Pottery Shop requires a three-hour certification class to learn the policies and procedures of the studio, get a feel for how clay works while making a pinch pot, and learn how to glaze. This class is required to gain access to use the studio as a member.

Classes are regularly scheduled on our calendar at the link here.

    • Cost: $60 each for non-members and $45 for members
    • Age Requirements: Children ages 14-18 are welcome to work independently in the studio once certified but a guardian must remain onsite. The guardian is ultimately responsible to make sure the cleanup procedures are being followed, so they must also be certified. We also welcome younger children but they must be supervised in the studio at all times. Children under the age of 14 do not require certification, but the supervising guardian must be certified.

*Anyone, members and non-members, can attend classes. Only members can use the space independently after certification due to safety and community considerations. Nonmembers can use the shop as a guest of a certified member.

Rapid Prototyping Shop

No certification is required to use our FlashForge FMD printers if you have prior experience. Classes are available for optional training. Certification classes are required before accessing laser cutter, Bambu 3D Printer, Resin 3D Printers, Graphtec Vinyl Cutter, Vacuformer, and Airbrush Station. Each can be done separately in any order. Many classes are usually available on on calendar, otherwise please reach out to rapidpro@tinkermilll.org or members can post in the #rapid-prototyping channel in Slack unless otherwise noted.

Laser Cutter Certification: This class will teach you operations and safety of our large 80-watt laser. Completion of this class grants members independent access. These classes are available regularly on our calendar.

  • Cost: Non-members $90 each and $60 for members
  • Age Requirements: Ages 16+ only with parent guardian supervision


Bambu FDM 3D Printer Certification: Beyond the FlashForge FDM printers, our Bambu printer is newer,  faster, and more expensive and requires certification. This class is offered regularly if you would like hands-on learning, or you may choose to take the online quiz (information document here & quiz here).

    • Cost (in-person class only): Non-members $45 and $30 for members (quiz certification is free)
    • Age Requirements: Ages 6+ with legal guardian supervision 


Resin 3D Printer Certification: This class is an introduction to SLA resin printing using TinkerMill’s Elegoo printers and will teach you operations and safety. Completion of this class grants members independent use. 

    • Cost: Non-members $60 and $45 for members
    • Age Requirements: Ages 16+ only with parent guardian supervision 


Vinyl Cutter Certification: Training is required, contact Kaitlyn Payne or Stephen Beaton if not available on our calendar. (kaitlyn.payne@tinkermill.org & stephen.beaton@tinkermill.org, or on Slack for members )

    • Cost: Non-members $60 and $45.00 for members 
    • Age Requirements: Ages 16+ only 


Vacuformer Certification: Training is required, contact Erik Akia (on Slack for members or erik.akia@tinkermill.org)

    • Cost: Non-members $70.00  and $52.50 for members
    • Age Requirements: Ages 18+ only


Airbrush Certification: Certification currently in development. Please contact tyler.dow@tinkermill.org if interested. (Age requirement 12+ only)


*Only members can use machines independently after certification.

Stained Glass Shop

No certification is required to use our stained glass shop if you have prior experience (The Intro to Stained Glass class is required for certification if no prior experience.) There is also a certification required specifically for the band saw and for the ring saw tools. Find classes scheduled regularly on our calendar. Questions? Don’t see a class? Please reach out to stainedglass@tinkermill.org, or members can post in the #stained_glass channel in Slack! 

Intro to Stained Glass: This class will teach you operations and safety of our stained glass shop. It covers process of completing a basic piece to take home with you. (Required if you do not have prior experience with the stained glass process).

  • Cost: Non-members $165 and $123.75 for members
  • Age Requirements: Ages 14+ only (legal guardian supervision required for all minors at TinkerMill)

Band Saw & Ring Saw: Certifications on these tools are required before use. Take you patterns to the next level! Right angles, steep internal points, and sharp curves are all possible with these tools!

  • Cost: Non-members $50 and $37.50 for members (*currently the bandsaw is being repaired – ring saw certifications available only – $30 for non-members, $22.50 for members.)
  • Age Requirements: Ages 14+ only (legal guardian supervision required for all minors at TinkerMill)

Anyone, members and non-members, can attend classes but only members can use the shop independently.

Textiles Shop

Basic home sewing machines are available to all, training is optional. Certification classes to access specific tools below.  Oftentimes these classes are only populated by request. Please reach out to textiles@tinkermill.org, or members can post on the #textiles channel in Slack if a class is not on our calendar

  • Industrial Sewing Machine Certification: training to teach and give access to Juki and Kingmax sewing machines.
    • Cost: Non-members $80 and $60 for members
    • Age Requirements: Ages 18+ only
  • Introduction to Machine Embroidery: Your first class to embroider at TinkerMill’s textile shop. This will give you access to Brother SE-400.
    • Cost: Non-members $60 and $45 for members
    • Age Requirements: Ages 14+ only (legal guardian supervision required)
  • Intermediate Machine Embroidery with the 6-Needle: You must have taken the intro before this class. This class will teach you safe operation of our Babylock EMP-6 machine.
    • Cost: Non-members $60 and $45 for members
    • Age Requirements: Ages 14+ only (legal guardian supervision required)

Anyone, members and non-members, can attend classes but only members can use the shop independently.

Welding Shop

A training class is required before accessing any equipment independently in this shop. These need to be taken in order. *Classes are listed on our online calendar, but if there is not a class currently listed you can also reach out to welding@tinkermill.org, or members can post on the #welding on Slack for members)

  • Welding Bay Safety (WBS) 101: Your intro to the shop – you will learn safety practices and will focus on the horizontal bandsaw, belt sanders, chop saw, bench grinder/wire wheel, handheld angle grinder, and drill press. 
    • Cost: Non-members $35 and $27 for members
  • MIG 101: Learn basic skills with hands on practice. After completion of this class, members can use MIG Welder independently and have use of shop space.
    • Cost: Non-members $100 and $75 for members
  • TIG 101: Must have taken MIG to attend a TIG class. This class will teach you and grant access to steel use of TIG DC process.
    • Cost: Non-members $150 and $112.50 for members
  • TIG 102: This is part two of TIG certification where you will learn aluminum application, AC process. Completion of this second class will grant member’s independent use of the TIG Welder for AC and DC applications.
    • Cost: Non-members $150 and $112.50 for members


Minimum age 14 in this shop but only with a certified legal guardian also taking the class. 

Members and non-members can attend classes, but only members can use the shop independently after certification.


Everyone that uses our woodshop must first watch our Safety & Policies video and submit a quiz. This is free and available online at your convenience. Upon completion of this safety training, members will have access to the space, hand tools, and hand power tools. 

All large equipment out on the floor requires training. Classes are not listed online and require online homework before the ability to schedule a class. 


  • (1) FIRST- Safety and Policies: This free online video and quiz will cover safe shop use and policies. This is what gives you access to shop and all hand tools and hand power tools. This must be done first before using anything in our woodshop.

These following trainings can be done in any order depending on what machines you seek access. 

  • Woodshop 101: Requirement to learn safe use of drill press, miter saw, band saws, panel saw, router table, and disc/belt sander. This is a hybrid offering with video and quizzes, and then an in-person check out.
    • Cost: Non-members $70 and $52.50 for members
    • Questions? Please reach out to Captain and Instructor erik.akia@tinkermill.org
  • Woodshop 201: Requirement to learn safe use of combo 16″ jointer/planer and 22″ drum sander. See document linked below.
    • Cost: Non-members $70 and $52.50 for members
    • Questions? Please reach out to Captain and Instructor erik.akia@tinkermill.org
  • SawStop: This is our table saw, and class is required before use. See document linked below.
    • Cost: Non-members $70 and $52.50 for members
    • Questions? Please reach out to Captain and Instructor erik.akia@tinkermill.org 
  • Wood Lathe: Required for members that would like to use wood lathe independently.
    • Cost: Non-members $100 and $75 for members
    • Questions? Please reach out to woodlathe@tinkermill.org
  • ShopBot: Class is required for anyone wanting to use our CNC ShopBot independently.
    • Cost: Non-members $135 and $100 for members
    • Questions? Please reach out to shopbot@tinkermill.org
Anyone, members and non-members, can attend classes. Only members can use certifiable machines independently after certification.

All minors under the age of 18 must have a parent of legal guardian with them at all times. Minimum age 15. General policy does not allow minors to use the large floor tools, but exceptions may apply. Refer to Shop Captains’ discretion.