TinkerMill Shops: Additional Capabilities

Additional Capabilities

Paint Shop

This area is a dedicated outdoor space to sand, prep, paint and stain small items. This area is not operational during cold months. 

  • Spray booth
  • Two 40lb media blasting cabinets
  • Work Tables and chairs
  • Drying racks
  • High volume, low pressure (HVLP) spray gun
  • Adjustable painting easel
  • Limited painting supplies such as sand paper and masking tape
  • Two pairs of saw horses – one set light duty, and one set heavy duty
  • Utility cart
#paint-shop channel on Slack for members!

Contact: paintshop@tinkermill.org

Please adhere to the following policies when working in the shop.

  • Some equipment requires certification training before use. Look for labels on equipment and ask if in doubt.
  • DO NOT smoke or vape at any time while working in the Paint Shop. If you observe violations of this rule, please notify a shop captain or the manager.
  • DO NOT use unapproved paints or chemicals anywhere in the shop. If you cannot purchase the product at a hardware store in Boulder County, it cannot be used without prior approval.
  • Spray paint can only be used in the Spray booth. If your workpiece is too big to place in the Spray Booth, then it cannot be painted in the Paint Shop. In the future, we may construct a larger spray booth, but we are currently limited in our capabilities.
  • Do not test paints on the shop floor, spray booth, or other equipment. Use your own sample board or scrap material for that purpose.
  • Note the location of fire extinguishers and other safety equipment in the shop before beginning work.
  • Wear proper personal protective equipment, including eye protection, an N-95 or similar mask, and disposable gloves. A shop apron or painting smock is recommended to protect clothing.
  • Ensure that the work area is clear of obstacles and trip hazards. Be aware of your surroundings and other activities happening in the shop while working in the shop.
    Cleaned up spills immediately.
  • Keep all flammable chemicals, such a paint thinner and other solvents, in the flammables cabinet. And, keep the flammables cabinet door closed.
  • Do not disconnect any shop equipment unless you have been instructed to do so as part of certification training.
    Leave the shop cleaner than you found it!

Environmental Care

Note that the west parking lot, driveway, and floor of the back bays all drain into a creek on the west side of the property that flows into Lake TinkerMill. Any chemical spills, whether deemed hazardous or not, should be cleaned up in place with an absorbent and/or appropriate cleaner. Spills should NOT be hosed out the back of the bay.


HAM Radio

TinkerMill has the best station inside the Longmont City limits for working DX and is definitely within the top 10 stations in Boulder county in that regard.

The main antenna is a Mosley Pro-67 mounted at 65 feet on a Rohn-25G tower. This antenna covers 40m (3el), 30m (1el), 20m (3el), 17m (2el), 15m(3el), 12m (2el) and 10m (4el). The antenna is turned with a Yaesu G2800 rotor. We also have 2 dipole antennas for 80 amd 160m.

Contact: sebastian.wessels@tinkermill.org  and active on Slack


IT Infrastructure 

The IT Infrastructure at TinkerMill consists of a few desktops, laptops and printers distributed throughout the facility for use by members. There are a few dedicated machine side PC’s for interfacing with pieces of equipment such as the Laser cutter, the ShopBot and 3D printers. In addition we have a small hypervised server infrastructure for local monitoring and backup functions.

See more on our Wiki