Hi, Friends! We’re so glad you are here – whether you are a TinkerMill member or community supporter – we are grateful to know that you value access to STEAM resources that TinkerMill provides.
There’s been a lot happening around here!
We have a new pottery shop co-captain. Welcome Aubrey Maryniak!! Aubrey’s been a contributor in the ceramic space for some time, and looks forward to bringing her energy to helping Sima with the responsibilities of the shop.
We have a new rapid-prototyping shop co-captain. Welcome Lee Thornhill!! Lee’s been a long time maker and TinkerMillian, we’re thrilled that they have decided to take on this role with Tyler.
We have a new lapidary/metalcraft shop co-captain. Welcome Jon Kell!! Jon is a geologist by training who creates one-of-a-kind pieces here in our jewelry space. Thanks for volunteering and helping Crystal in our space here, Jon.
Slack at TinkerMill
Attention Members: So much chatter is happening on Slack these days. It’s a tool we use to gather interest and opinions about adding new shop captains, creating fun events, and much more. Slack is members-only.
you need any help getting your Slack account set up, here’s a video we made.
Volunteer Day this past weekend was successful!

THANK YOU to everyone who showed up to care for your makerspace. The team organized electronics a bit. Stained glass used the time to organize the glass stock. Pottery team added wheels to shelves and tables. Textiles is working to swap in a new table to support the 6-thread embroidery machine. The paint booth found a new home (still in progress, and not yet operational). Woodshop focused on taking apart the dust collection – a part arrived today for repair. They also re-organized a tool bench and utilized wall space for tool storage. We pulled weeds and cleaned up trash along the property.
So much was accomplished! Thank you for being here. We look forward to having more events like this in the future.
Summer Carnival

Mark your calendars! We are bringing back the carnival inspiration this summer for our Open House fundraiser.
We have food trucks and a beer vendor booked for the event. Our music performance is scheduled. We plan to bring out all the carnival fun – including dunk tank, face painting, cotton candy, and more!
We need volunteers to make the day successful – will you help us? Sign Up HERE.
We’re looking for more makers to be vendors at the market for this event. No cost to members. More info and sign up HERE.
Sunday, July 3rd 12pm – 5pm
Planning Meeting: For July 3rd Carnival Event
Join us this Tuesday evening to help plan and organize our summer party. This week we are working on locating a lot of the materials here on site, testing out some equipment, and making signs.
This Tuesday, June 14th, 5:30pm
Father’s Day MakerSpace Project

Come make the coolest card in our electronics shop! This MakerSpace project is based on paper circuits and uses copper tape, a coin cell battery and an LED to create a light-up card.
Young Professionals Networking Event
In collaboration with the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce, TinkerMill will host their June Nexus Young Professionals Mixer! This is a free-form mix and mingle event that provides the opportunity to meet other young professionals in their 20’s and 30’s from a variety of industries.
Thursday, June 23rd 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Shameless Plug
Looking for a way to support the MakerSpace? Maybe you missed the volunteer day and want to show your gratitude for what TinkerMill provides. We take monetary donations everyday! And as a non-profit, your generous donation is tax-deductble. You can donate right on our website. Thank you!