TinkerMill Shop: Machine shop

Use tools such as manual mills, lathes, CNC, to machine metal parts. We have instructors to teach you safe operation. After certification, members can access shop 24/7. Shop is located inside to the north of main room.

Notable Equipment

  • Manual Mills (Bridgeport & SuperMax)
  • Nardini 1640 Lathes (2)
  • Mitek 3-axis CNC
  • Surface Grinder
  • Bandsaw
  • 52” Combination Sheet Metal Shear/Brake/Roll

Sebastian Wessels

Sebastian is a senior IT specialist at IBM. His primary interests at Tinkermill are in Ham Radio and the Machine Shop.

Contact Info: sebastian.wessels@tinkermill.org  and active on Slack (prefers Slack communication with members)

Jef Farrell

Contact Info: jef.farrell@tinkermill.org  and active on Slack (prefers Slack communication with members)

Entire Machine Shop requires training. 

FIRST: everyone must complete the Machine Shop Safety and General Tool Use video and quiz (80% to pass). This will grant members general access to the shop. 

Certification classes to access specific tools:

  • Manual Mills: Bridgeport 101 – Contact Shop Captain, Jef Farrell, to schedule.   
  • Lathes: Lathe 101 & 201 – scheduled upon request as they are tailored to users level of experience as either separate classes or a combined 101 & 201 class. Contact Shop Captain Sebastian Wessels. 
  • Mitek CNC: Mitek CNC class: training by request, contact Shop Captain.
  • Sheet Metal Shear/Brake/Roll:  training by request, contact Shop Captain.
  • Surface Grinder: training by request, contact Shop Captain.
  • Bandsaw: training by request, contact Shop Captain.
Anyone, members and non-members, can attend classes. 
Only members can use machine shop independently after certification.
This shop is 18+ only. Sorry no minors. 

In addition to being a member, there is additional cost to use shop space. Shop use fees for time and consumables are used to maintain each of the shops.

Time Use: $2/hr, $5/day, $20/m

Consumables: We have shelves of scrap stock, not guaranteed, and varying pricing.

Pay Shop Fees


We encourage you to practice these skills independently to learn skill. Further instruction is available upon request. Contact shop captain for more opportunities. 

Slack Channels (member’s only) – #machine-shop #mitek

Non-members can only use the shop under supervision of the Shop Captains. 

Tinker Access, our RFID keyfob system, is equipped on the entire shop via the power source to the space. Only members that have completed training are able to power machinery. 

Fabrication: have your project made by a TinkerMill member for you is a possibility. Please inquire below to discuss details. 

Reservations are not required, but recommended. Class reservations have exclusive use of the entire shop. Multiple members can use the shop, but the person with the reservation gets first choice on the tool usage. There are two calendar “room” reservations on the Google Calendar. The first is for the general shop (mills & lathes) and the second is exclusively for the Mitek CNC. They are listed as:
TinkerMill Main Building-1-Machine Shop-Machine Shop
TinkerMill Main Building-1-Mitek CNC Milling Machine

If there are no classes available (or not the ones you want), feel free to email machineshop@tinkermill.org, to let them know you’re interested! 

Fabrication Requests

No job is too small

We are currently accepting fabrication requests in our Machine Shop. We have a lathe, bridgeport, CNC, and a shear/brake. 

General Estimate: $70/hr with a $50 minimum. Submit request form below to get a free quote today!