Night Access at TinkerMill

All TinkerMill members receive a fob at new member orientation with 7am-midnight access. Keyfobs are connected to an individual. Do not share your keyfob with anyone. Keyfobs operate doors and some machines. 


All TinkerMill members have the option of receiving 24/7 keyfob access by doing a Night Access Certification.

Midnight-7am is considered Night Access. 


To receive night access on your fob, please watch the following video and take the quiz afterwards. You must score 100% on the quiz to be granted access. Once you submit your quiz, TinkerMill staff will be notified and we will grant night access to your fob within 72 hours. 



  • Do not loan your fob to anyone else or let anyone borrow your fob. 

  • No piggy-backing. Don’t let anyone in the door if they don’t have their own fob.

  • Don’t prop open doors, especially at night! Keep doors closed.

  • Introduce yourself to people you don’t know, ask their name and what are they making? Get to know each other, this will help us stay safe! 

  • You must complete the shutdown procedure when you are the last to leave. You must note on the log, either paper or digitally, that you completed the shutdown procedure.

  • When you visit the makerspace, you are making something. If you are not making here at TinkerMill, and you show up consistently ONLY to use our bathrooms/kitchen/etc, your membership will be revoked.